Board Game Rentals

Board Game Rentals at The Guild House! Try a game before you buy.
How does it work?
Choose a game from our game library and take it home for the night. If you decide that you like it, you can put the cost of your rental fee towards the cost of a new copy of the game. You don't need to decide right away either; your rental receipt is good for 6 months.
What does it cost?The cost of rental varies game-by-game, but it generally falls between $1 and $10 per night. When you rent a game you will be charged the full cost of the game (as a hold on your credit card), but when you bring it back the hold is voided and you are only charged for the nights you had it out.
What games are available to rent?Our stock of games for rental is always growing and changing. Here is a small selection of what is available (barring any that are already out for rent). If there is something specific you are looking for, pelase contact the store.